
Showing posts from January, 2018

Why is Fintech important?

The Fintech industry has grown into one of the most important industries we so desperately need.  But it’s a shock that not many people know about the term, when the industry is getting billions every year. So what is Fintech?  You can define it as Financial Technology and it is what it says. The term is used to imply technology and its application in traditional sectors like mobile payments, money transfer, banking and asset management. You can see how significant the industry is by their application in these giants sectors. Fintech will not only help these sectors to adapt to new technology but also show them how to study their market and customer’s behavior. Its impact is still pacing the global revolution exponentially as we speak. How Fintech made Changes to the world we see? Not so many years ago, when we need to open a bank account or had any transactions to make, we had to go to the bank ourselves and wait in the line for our turn. Since Fintech influenced the fin...

Ideas for Netheads to stand on their own

Don’t freak out. It’s not someone with nets instead of his head. It’s actually referred to someone who sits in front of their computer, using the internet to scroll through the virtual heavens. You can call them virtual citizens. But if you are one of the netheads and think you are completely useless, I have good news for you. For a nethead like you who prefers a couch or chair in front of a pc rather than actually socializing with a bunch of people outside, we have excellent startup ideas to fill your empty pockets without getting up from where you are. Graphic Designer If you are a nethead and a creative person as well, graphic design is the thing for you. Even if you have no idea about graphic designing, you have a pc and an internet connection, you can start learning right now. And if you have done a few logos or banners for your college teams, you are already on the track. All you need is proper guidance to divert your designing persona from hobby to profession. If you are wonder...