
Showing posts from February, 2018

Conversational UI and Its Importance

Even if you don’t know about Conversational UI, you might have heard about it in a discussion, especially when talking about Google Home, Alexa, Facebook Messenger bits, etc. But what is a Conversational UI? Well, usually, people give their command to a machine by pressing or touching certain switches or buttons. It is neither a natural way of communicating nor a human way to deliver your message. That’s why Pioneers in technology and gadgets tried to set up a new, more natural, and human-like way to give commands to machines, which is why Conversational UI was pitched. What is Conversational UI? Mainly, we understand Conversational UI as being like a chatbot that can take your command and execute it without going through switches and handles. Instead, we can use natural text that we use to communicate with people and even our voice to make the UI understand our requirement. You will feel as if you were talking to a human this whole time when, in reality, you are giving a command to ...

Remote Card Payments Rising Every Year

On December 21, the Federal Reserve published their new report on credit card payments. In the report, they are confident about the fact that remote credit card payments have increased over the last 12 months. According to their data and analysis, the increase in the number of total remote credit payments made from 2015- 2016 was easily noticeable. With the total value of 3.27 trillion,the total number of credit card payments rose to 10.2 percent in the year 2016. This is higher than the annual rate from the year 2012 – 2015, which was approximately 8.1 percent. This rise was pushed this far due to the exponential growth of total remote credit card payments. This count included, both online bill pays and online shopping purchases. But more importantly, the percentage of total online remote credit card payments had a big leap last year. It rose to 16.6 percent in 2016 where it was around 8 percent before that. That means, the total number increased slightly more than ...

Digital Advertisement for Local Business Owners

Local business owners are mostly solopreneurs, which means their business depends on a single responsible person. Even if there is a board of 2-3 persons, managing a business it is still tough for those few people. That’s why many local business owners think that managing a digital publicity campaign for them will not be possible by themselves. Just think about it. Local business owners had to manage the workers, production, the delivery process and everything else. This is a lot of work. Besides, he needs to take every important decision regarding the future of his business. After doing all these impossible tasks and making every difficult decision,hardly they can think about the digital publicity for the business. It feels like an additional burden on top of the managing and producing responsibilities, especially when he is a solopreneur. What are the responsibilities for digital advertising? Choosing a digital advertising campaign platform   Digital publicity is a va...

Create smooth interface for your site

Your site may have tons of visitors every day. Its good news for you and you might want to keep things running that way.  But if your visitors are not comfortable with your website’s experience, they might not return and you wouldn’t want that, would you? So it’s important that your website is easy to access and navigate. From finding any piece of information to pulling a task off, everything done on your website depends on the smoothness of your interface.  That’s why your UX designers should take every necessary step to facilitate their user's needs.  Why should you optimize User Journey? The user journey doesn’t occur by any accident. If they are not attended to, mapped out or cared for thoroughly, user experience won’t be productive and you won’t get the expected results.  Fixing few tweaks and making minor layout changes can affect the experience to an extent. By managing color choices, outlines, navigation tools, banner size, the site can be smoothe...