Turn Automation Marketing into Human-like Approach

Automation marketing can be an effective tool, only if it is done properly. But things can get pretty annoying when you do it wrong.

If the automation feels more like a robot, the clients will feel irritated and annoyed, which is not good for your whole marketing campaign. So, here are few tips on how to turn automation marketing into human-like.

Personalize Automation E-mails

Make your customer feel that you are writing only to them.

But that’s impossible,right? You have thousands of email addresses to send your message and you cannot write all on your own. So you take the help of personalized Automation emails.

But these automated emails feel very robotic and fake. So, what you can do is customize the emails for specific persons. Add some relevant stuff for each of them.

For instance, say you have an e-commerce store and someone buys a pair of socks and shoes. You should send him/her emails related to your shoe category from here on.

Content is King

I can understand that you’ve heard this so many times and hopefully understood its significance.

No matter how beautifully designed your emails are, you’ll always get questions from you customers. 

That’s why having a blog is something you cannot compromise. But the content should not be limited to blog posts only. You need to make sure the emails you are sending are grammatically correct and enjoyable to read too.

Automation is not just emails

Automation has a boundary and the boundary is definitely note mail. Automation is more than that. There are plenty of other ways to approach your clients and customers other than emails, use those.

For instance, you can do a Facebook or even better, a Twitter search. In Twitter, you can group together a bunch of people based on the keyword in their tweets. You can approach them via Twitter. 

But remember, most of the time direct message don’t work. In such cases, it is best to connect with an actual tweet.

Who knows, if your tweet is interesting enough, they might give you a reply and you can start a conversation there. But for that, you’ll need a few social media guys who can get the conversation flow glowing.

Always organize and update your list

Many people think if you push someone hard enough, they might give into you and do what you’ve asked them. This isn’t the case here.

You cannot force someone by constantly sending emails to his address, especially when they have unsubscribed.

Keep an organized list of people who showed interest in the marketing campaign and are most likely to cooperate with you. Also, make sure your list is organized based on the campaigns. It’ll be easier to reach your audience if you do the list by campaigns and its dates.

Work together

In order to make it work, you, your marketing team and your sales team should work together. This will ensure that the content is on the same page and everyone knows what’s the strategy is or what they are all doing.If they do not collaborate, spammy, non-descriptive and robotic emails will be the result.

For more info, please visit : Charles K Carillo


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